Displaying 1 - 2 out of 2 results for: ChanelBoulevard

Backstage @ #ChanelBoulevard
The Spring/Summer 2015 of CHANEL saw Karl Lagerfeld transform the Grand Palais of Paris into tenement housing, with models replete with placards staging a protest as the finale of the show. But before the presentation, there was a calm before the storm.
CHANEL Stages Mock Protest for Women's Suffrage in Spring/Summer 2015 Fashion Show
On a dingy dilapidated street of #ChanelBoulevard -- a set resembling tenement housing built from scratch on location at the Grand Palais -- the French luxury label replayed the scenes from a protest march for womens rights as it showcased its Spring/Summer 2015 collection. It was not the march of peasants this time round, but supermodels holding placards, led by the ...