Trademark "Solomon Passy" | SENATUS



Trademark "Solomon Passy"
By Alexandrina Kentska | 8 March 2017

History is written on many occasions: science, culture, politics, religion, lifestyle, sports ... All these areas go and write his story without realizing that in parallel with each of them goes one factor that is unchanging and over the years created its own history. The factor that can successfully exist without the areas mentioned above, but at the same time none of them can exist without this factor, but it is as important as is the complex. This is the factor Fashion.

In Bulgaria there is a proverb describing very well in one sentence what I said above: "First impression is from your dress, last impression from your brains." Finish.

This is not a philosophy that can speculate. We are told clearly that the first impression will be decisive for the end of the conversation. People can not create a first impression of you in other than in the way you dressed. For the same reason was imported protocol especially in politics where it is mandatory. Recently one of the most commented politician Donald Trump is being commented not only for his decisions and behavior, but also his vision for the future. In addition, his outer appearance, whether or not his jacket is buttoned, how long his relationships last, what is his hair-style, who is producing his clothes and who is refusing to do so?

However, let’s get back to Europe. As it is saturated with historical events, it's so colorful and with fashion trends. While in England, France, Italy and Austria - both women and men - competed to be more modern - with theater performances, balls, afternoon tea, etc. in Eastern Europe, people gradually struggle for their existence, and fashion is still not a priority in their daily life.

Wars and peace treaties for better or worse, affect the way of dressing and general fashion across Europe. After WWII Western Europe began to develop intensively in all directions, while its eastern part is slow and with an emphasis on everything else but not vogue. Nevertheless, innate need of people to look better could not be suppressed even by the strict communist regime.

And now we are back to the Bulgarian proverb, and to Bulgaria as an example of the development of fashion from the communist past until nowadays. Like all countries in Eastern Europe at the time, and in Bulgaria it is difficult to break through the fashion world. Less known brands reach barely Sofia - the capital of Bulgaria mainly in two ways, then Corecom or in people working abroad. Needs from fashion apparel to satisfy mainly from own production. And as yet comment clothing politicians used the Bulgarian proverb, and gave the example of Bulgaria, will introduce you to a Bulgarian politician who is young enough to monitor (if you wish!) Fashion trends of the world's catwalks, but mature enough to compare the periods before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Solomon Passy recently turned 60 years old. He is a man of action, sports, actively monitored and even formed different aspects of policy and innovation draws on life, but many give him! Active in politics since the age of 25, excited by all the political changes in the world, Europe and in Bulgaria and he himself complicit in causing not one of them!

He realizes that it is important not only how to send it, but how will you meet and what will be the first impression you make and believe me he succeeded. How I found you. Bulgarian watched a TV show in which he was invited as a guest on seemingly banal subject. I expected a biscuit politician to come and talk about the situation in the world - like all: a dark jacket and open-necked shirt - nothing new. But in the next moment - just when, instead of complaining about the problem, he suggested his simple but global solution - the camera gives it in the long run and I see that he is wearing a denim and red sneakers, the color of his tie.

Oh my God, is it possible. But it is a miracle. This guy again dug into me a question which I often try to forget: street fashion gives you ideas of haute couture or haute couture defines street fashion and where the two are intertwined. I did not expect to face such a morning freshness in the clothing of a politician and not anywhere but in Bulgaria, where I do not think that fashion marks any gains, especially in males brands. And then back recordings of his surrender and re-examine his proposal - plain and simple, as some red sneakers!

I did not want to see what it says about this guy in Google (but you see his CV there!), I had my first hand information and found it. I contacted him on Twitter and even became friends. Ladies and gentlemen Solomon Passy for you:

AK : Dr. Pasi what you think about fashion?

SP : Politics is a tool to reform and refine the world. But to promote our ideas, we have to pack appropriately. It was here, in the packaging of our ideas (especially if they are frightening or disruptive!) Fashion can be our valuable ally. Otherwise fashion for the sake of fashion can be a pure art, aesthetics or play.

AK : Are there moments in which way you look, helps you express yourself?

SP : In mathematics - my original profession - always strive to make their ideas most accessible and understandable. But in mathematics man race with truth and there clothing can be minimized or completely absent. Memorable example was Archimedes who discovered the law naked in the tub. In the public sphere and in politics it is different! There is very often a person who competes not with the truth or a lie. So one should seek after a special harmony and balance between their inner spirit, ideas and sends out its looks. Therefore appearance can have a much more decisive role than in mathematics.

AK : Under communism, what was your choice of clothing?

SP : I do not remember all the 45 years of communism in our country, I was born 1956. But in the 1970s and 1980s, our generation was a matter of honor to be a hippie, with long shaggy hair and beards, with worn tile with jeans (difficult to find!). Perhaps our Bulgarian contribution to the hippie movement was that the hair had been showered and jeans - always washed.

AK : How people seemed to Parliament in the first session after the changes?

SP : We - the opposition, with some exceptions, hanging on his previous form described above. Representatives of the status quo until recently more hunted eye on us cut short, smooth shaven, combed and costumed. But our political ideas eventually prevailed, although we can shortened beards and hair.

AK : Was there a moment in which way you dressed influenced positively or negatively in any given situation?

SP : I have dozens of examples in various points of the world influence of external factors on the message and will mention three of them:

* As foreign minister, I was in the delegation of our Prime Minister - NV King Simeon II, at a meeting of prime ministers of the EU. Our colleague went to the room - with lowered jacket hanging pointer slung over his shoulder and rolled up above the elbows shirt. King - who is always in immaculate clothing, words and manners - said: "His father was such a polite man!" I realized that this fellow will transmit messages with more work.

*On my first visit at NATO in 1990 I had an accident and my leg was broken so I had to use crutches, and this impression helped me gain even more unexpected sympathy and trust with making our long lasting friendship with the General Secretary of NATO Manfred Woerner who had supported us until his last days. There was a case when Woerner let me “kidnap” him with my Trabant – a story which is being shared and told within the NATO lobby until nowadays.

* On my visit to North Korea in 2007 in my delegation I took 13-year-old son, another child who inspired my willingness for openness to my hosts. And in the end, our mission failed: North Koreans had destroyed the cooling tower for heavy water nuclear plant in Yong Beaune, which was the aim of my visit.

AK : Are you impressed how are wearing other people?

SP : The purity of form and words impresses me, fashion - not.

AK : Do you think that politicians today are well dressed?

PS : What today is most worrying is not the clothing but the language of politicians and the truth of their message. A conformist clothing only helps to lie mimicked as truth. One of our latest disruptive ideas, however, will free us from this anxiety. We offer software lie detector, to show people those who lie to them.

AK : How do you decide what to wear? Do you buy clothes yourself or you use a consultant?

SP : My wife Gergana is the CEO on this topic at home!

AK : How to be reckoned with others' opinions about your clothing?

SP : Unless excited by fashion, I do not enter into discussions about it. But the style is more than fashion .... Sometimes you can make a tactical concession formal and external issue to achieve their goals on the merits!

AK : To my knowledge your first men have personal chefs, do you think they need to have personal image makers?

SP : As far as politics is still professionalised in its current mainstream, I believe that these image makers will have more customers. But in terms of e-democracy and lie detectors Image makers will be needed in politics.

AK : How did you decide to combine jacket and tie with sneakers?

SP : Gergana was not at home when I was going out to be interviewed and grabbed most comfortable shoes that stood out! I wanted my message to be beat in the mind of the viewer, and red sneakers were some guarantee that it will not switch to another channel. Subsequently I realized that the tactic succeeded and many more viewers heard about the global projects to manage migration and mobile application iSOSu, which aims to save the trouble of millions of people worldwide!

Gergana Passy was the first professional and subsequently family partner to Solomon Passy. She is the mother of two of their four children, the woman who is supporting 24/7 - at home and their overall office. Build own career in politics. If you need to determine their profession look at the way they are dressed, the politician will undoubtedly be they. It is very stylish, without unnecessary frippery. The style is ample with well used colors, not afraid of accessories.

AK : Mrs. Passy,usually women advice on what to wear their spouses, is that the case in your family?

GP : Solomon is a man of thought. Brought up in a highly intellectual family, he sees fashion as a peripheral issue. Surely that allows him to dress freely and without prejudice. Choose majority of clothes Moni and the actual decision of the day is his.

AK : What do you think of the shoes of Dr. Passy, was there controversy, something like to be or not to be?

GP : To me they are too extravagant accessory for a politician, but he had them as his trademark.

AK : I understand that there is no chance to see you in a black suit, red scarf and red sneakers?

GP : (Laughs) Never!

AK : And the same question to you, what do you think about the clothing of the Bulgarian politicians?

GP : There are many elegant men and women in Bulgarian politics, but most politicians do not care about authentic and fashion. They must have felt that good clothes will not bring automatically more votes. Rather, the reverse is true.

Let us not forget that the clothes and how we dress brings so strong message as what we have to say to the world. The clothes suggest others about our character and how we feel. Dr. Solomon Passy has long recognized this fact, and skillfully used it in his daily life.

Alex Kentska

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