The clothes make people and politicians. And not only in Paris, where ministers wear expensive designer clothes to keep up by Carla Bruni.
How fashion clothing define political consciousness?
In the past, Mao prescribed to people how to dress. Today rulers follow the dictates of their consultants on clothing and fashion style. Should politicians seem fine, and somewhat glamorous? Apparently not. Same Nicolas Sarkozy, who as president literally kept his designer suits,was one of the fashion icons in the world politics. The little Frenchman Hungarian ancestry wore immaculate suits sewn to order, and a bit higher than normal shoes. But they were made especially for him with thick soles to appear not heels, and previously wore a brown jacket with elbow.
Recently magazine US Weekly asked Hillary Clinton to comment on previous "sins" clothing. She mentioned wicker Christmas jacket and necklace with angels - things that the former first lady may have liked, but that none Consultant style of clothing would not recommend it. Many politicians have long no longer just wear what they like.
Fashion has become part of politics and politicians obey the dictates of fashion.
It was not always so. Before rulers determined fashion, such as Mao in China. He was dressed in blue, similarly dressed and all his people. "Mao was king of fashion," says Hong Kong designer Vivienne Tam. Where else in the world one person dictates of billions of other how to dress? "
Dress a la Mao enters even in Africa. Socialist Neira introduced him to her native Tanzania. Dictator Mobutu in Zaire draws inspiration from the cultural revolution of Mao. In the 70s it prohibits western clothing, neckties and bras, decent citizen must carry "abakosta" - African tunic jacket with collar starched.
Gone are the times of great social utopias, when the dictator ordered his people how to dress. A wise ruler today is a modern, civilized and stylish. If you are visiting a village senior Chinese functionaries not wear a tie. And in general, today's politicians no longer dictate fashion, the fashion dictates what to wear.
The voter wants to be not only managed but also attracted
The advertising industry has also long been selling not just products, but pre rigged identities. Lifestyle as a designer brand. What do you prefer today? Style "Marlboro" style or "martini"?
The body of politic became the subject of widespread attention, especially if the politician is a woman. Only a few years ago at least half Germany discussed hairstyle Angela Merkel. Chancellor also she had to learn the lessons. Reproached even that dull her appearance was a kind of legacy of socialism. Today Merkel has its own image-maker and own designer. Since she diligently takes care of his appearance, and criticism of it disappeared.
Even for indisputable war veterans as Djon Makeyn on the web discuss circumstances such that the latter did not undergo the procedure for teeth whitening. Thus the already scarce political cadres reduced to even less. Who today is talented, competent, eloquent politician, while fully meeting the requirements of haute couture?
The politician who do not have Adviser clothing and style, and doing its job poorly dressed, has long belonged to the past.
Aestheticism policy begins with the US presidential elections in 1960. The debate of the two candidates Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy was first transmitted on television. Those who follow verbal duel on the radio thought that Nixon performed well. But those watching the game on television are completely different opinion. Nixon was badly shaven, sweat out while Kennedy was so fresh and accurate.
Lately, however, and world leaders realize they need to be more practical and fleeing the boredom. Especially when it comes to high-level meeting "without ties". Barack Obama often could be seen only in shirt sleeves rolled up. This is a sign of liberation, to move closer to the people. Fashion is communication and it uses comprehensible code. Dodger Obama put the relatively cheap brand "Barneys" but his wife Michelle offset by earrings for half a million dollars of Oscar de la Renta. We must admit that America has never had a more stylish and elegant president Barack Obama, he looked good at any time, unlike the current Donald Тrump that is scattered not only in the way they dress and the way management.The code of Putin's "I rigorous but fair." Not in vain all his suits are of the classic men's brand - "Brioni" in which everything is sewn by hand. And to him they have taken his measure and devise custom. Prices of clothing blazers start from $ 4,000.
Hesitation between formal and casual is typical of politicians today. It is enough to look at a politician and see if he uses fashion consultant or not, how you look is not irrelevant and learn on the fly. The politician who wants to be up to date, should be good "director." Those who do not know how better to "directing" their appearance is easily suspected of incompetence.
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