MB&F is a creative label based around one very simple and fundamental ideal: to assemble dedicated Collectives of talented horological artisans, artists and professionals – all friends – to design and craft each year a radical and original horological masterpiece.
By nurturing teams of talented individuals, harnessing their passion and creativity and crediting each individual's essential role, MB&F uses their synergy to become much greater than the sum of its parts.
MB&F is above all a human adventure... a human adventure with just one goal: to create incredible horological machines.
MB&F - The Genesis of a Concept Laboratory
Two decades of experience in haute horlogerie led Maximilian Büsser to realise that the projects which gave him the most vitality and pleasure were those working with talented independent watchmakers on exciting concept watch projects.
The seed of this utopian idea emerged from creating an atelier dedicated solely to designing, developing and crafting small series of radical concept watches with talented professionals he respected and enjoyed working with. The seed took root and with MB&F - Maximilian Büsser & Friends - the dream became real.
MB&F is not a watch brand, it is an artistic and micro-engineering concept laboratory in which changing collectives of independent horological professionals are assembled each year to design and craft radical Horological Machines.
Respecting tradition without being shackled by it enables us to act as a catalyst in fusing traditional high-quality watchmaking with cutting-edge technology and avant-garde three-dimensional sculpture.

But MB&F is even more than that: we are a community. A community of independent-minded people sharing similar thoughts and values.
- We are teams of independent people creating horological art for other independent people.
- We believe horology should induce strong emotion.
- We thrive on the adrenaline rush of innovation.
- We believe horology is above all the creative genius of human beings.
- We learn by looking at life from another perspective.
- We aim to recreate the magical awe of childhood.
The majority will not be ready for us because MB&F confronts and challenges; however, for those who share our values and ideas, we welcome another Friend.
For further information, please contact:
Estelle Tonelli, MB&F SA
Terrasse Agrippa d'Aubigné 6, P.O. Box 3466
CH-1211 Geneva 3, Switzerland
Email: et@mbandf.com
Tel. : +41 22 786 3618
Fax : +41 22 786 3624
SENATUS is a proud partner of MB&F and invites you to view the other pieces in the MB&F collection, as well as explore its website and Facebook pages as well
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For more information, go to //www.mbandf.com
Become a fan on MB&F's Facebook page
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