It is not just the wheels and the cogs, nor a sum of every part the brand designs, crafts, polishes and assembles with exquisite skill and constant care. It is all of these, and more. It is the time taken, the skills of many. A demanding, rigorous and perpetual endeavour. In short, it is the quest for excellence.
This ‘superlative’ approach is expressed through eight fundamental qualities that characterise every Rolex watch: precision, waterproofness, autonomy, robustness, simplicity, craftsmanship, comfort and durability.
Thus, when Rolex prints “superlative” on the dial of each watch that leaves the workshops, it marks the epitome of the entire watchmaking process.
What makes a Rolex a Rolex?
Rolex’s status and identity are products of a history driven by a passion for innovation and a constant quest for excellence. We explore the genesis of how Rolex has come to be a defining standard in and of itself..: Read Story